Click Portfolio to see artist’s available work and formats.

Click Portfolio to see artist’s available work and formats.
I’ve been making art since I was old enough to clutch a crayon.
Though my mark-making has changed and evolved over the years, my love of making art has never been stronger.
As a working artist, currently traveling and painting, my landscapes and florals, usually large and exuberant, reflect my connection to the natural world.
I‘ve used several different mediums, such as oils, wax, watercolors, inks, but currently I work in acrylics, as it suits my nomadic lifestyle.
A large part of my work involves inserting myself into our natural world, either on foot, or horseback.
My work reflects abstractions of these experiences.
Enjoy the art slide show of some of my work, and please be my guest often, as I am always adding images of new paintings.
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